Dublin: 7 °C Sunday 16 March, 2025

There's now a special 'Netflix' full of boring videos for people who can't f**king sleep

There’s even a Mass video which should prove extremely effective on Irish people.

NETFLIX AND STREAMING services are great, but having hours and hours of great telly and films at our disposal probably isn’t helping us in the sleep department.

napflix Source: Napflix

‘Napflix’ is a new, simple website packed full of the internet’s most boring videos, initially designed for Spanish people taking siestas, and now opened up to the sleep-deprived of the world.

Simply choose the boring video you desire, hit play, and snuggle down for the night. There’s a little documentary about quantum theory there for you:


Some footage from the Tour de France in 1992:


And even a traditional Latin Mass, which should no doubt IMMEDIATELY send most Irish people off to the land of nod.

traditional mass

The founder, Victor Guiterrez de Tena, says he came up with the idea after thinking about what helps him drift off.

[The videos] could be the kinds of things that remind us of our childhood, or the things you watch after your dinner – sports, TV series or post-meal classes. It’s all got to have the same pattern and help you disconnect your mind.

It just makes sense. Unless you’re like PJ here:

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